Gautam Buddha Nagar
All elections held in this constituency whether its Loksabha and/or Vidhansabha, everything can be found on this page for Gautam Buddha Nagar
Election history
All the elections held in this constituency are all listed below in a timeline fashion order by year. Start exploring by hitting a cirlce in the middle or click on left/ right wings that would display a panel with all details for that election.
Lok Sabha election in 2009 WON by BSP party with 33% vote share
Winner: Surendra Singh Nagar
Surendra Singh Nagar BSP245,613
Mahesh Kumar Sharma BJP229,709
Narendra Singh Bhati SP118,584
Ramesh Chandra Tomar INC116,230
Jamal Ahmad Khan NLHP4,753
K.K Sharma NCP2,912
Kamlesh Choudhry IND2,699
Mahesh IND1,886
Arvind ANC1,672
Kinnar Guddi Sharma IND1,655
Sonia Sharma IND1,455
Anil Kumar IND1,358
Poonam BSP(K)1,245
Sher Singh AP1,177
Jagat Singh IND1,105
Rahis NELU959
Manoj IND909
Dharamvir IND743
Lubna Asif AIMF661
Prem Singh RPI569
Ghanshyam Sharma RWS551
Sukhvir IND550
Shailesh Kumar Srivastva IND546
Rajendra Pal Singh IND539
Chhote Lal RYS482
Resham Swarup IND422
Lok Sabha election in 2014 WON by BJP party with 50% vote share
Winner: Mahesh Sharma
Mahesh Sharma BJP599,702
Narendra Bhati SP319,490
Satish Kumar BSP198,237
Kishan Pal Singh AAAP32,358
Ramesh Chand Tomar INC12,727
Mohd. Sabir Ansari AITC4,506
Kadeem IND4,198
Dharmender DND4,130
None Of The Above NOTA3,836
Grisa Kumar IND3,496
Kadir Khan Jaiswal IND2,684
Sonia Sharma ABSC2,530
Udayveer RtrJP1,526
Rakesh IND1,225
Lt Col Sp Singh NBDP1,183
Savitri IND996
Sumiti IND978
Seema RND977
Mahesh IND788
Ruvez Alam Rahi NLP773
Ram Vilas BMUP656
Gajendra IOP649
Sunil Gautam IND623
Ravinder Sharma RTKP503
Safruddin IND491
Lok Sabha election in 2019 WON by BJP party with 60% vote share
Winner: Mahesh Sharma
Mahesh Sharma BJP830,812
Satveer BSP493,890
Arvind Kumar Singh INC42,077
Nota NOTA8,371
Ashok Kumar Adhana IND3,939
Rodash Gupta IND2,894
Jagdeep Singh LOKJANP2,725
Jitendra Singh PSPL1,862
Vinod Kumar Nagar RBJJP1,366
Ram Pal RSPS1,294
Vinod Sharma AIRCP1,282
Shersingh Upadhaya RtrJP1,264
Raghuvendra Kumar SBSPSP631
Dayaram AAPP545