All elections held in this constituency whether its Loksabha and/or Vidhansabha, everything can be found on this page for Jatusana
Assembly Election Race in Jatusana

Election history
All the elections held in this constituency are all listed below in a timeline fashion order by year. Start exploring by hitting a cirlce in the middle or click on left/ right wings that would display a panel with all details for that election.
Vidhan Sabha election in 1957 WON by INC party with 49% vote share
Winner: Abhai Singh
Abhai Singh INC18,808
Nihal Singh IND12,465
Ghisa Ram IND3,752
Begraj Singhh PSP3,057
Vidhan Sabha election in 1962 WON by IND party with 61% vote share
Winner: Nihal Singh
Nihal Singh IND28,546
Abhai Singh INC18,478
Vidhan Sabha election in 1967 WON by IND party with 48% vote share
Winner: J. Singh
J. Singh IND18,443
N. Singh INC16,742
Banwari IND1,835
S. Lal IND708
S. Lal IND312
Vidhan Sabha election in 1968 WON by VHP party with 59% vote share
Winner: Birender Singh
Birender Singh VHP23,890
Nihal Singh INC16,144
Chiman Lal IND247
Vidhan Sabha election in 1972 WON by INC party with 55% vote share
Winner: Maha Singh
Maha Singh INC25,028
Sumitra Devi VHP19,847
Banwari Lal IND653
Vidhan Sabha election in 1977 WON by VHP party with 40% vote share
Winner: Inderjeet Singh
Inderjeet Singh VHP19,799
Raj Singh JNP14,500
Maha Singh INC7,100
Bansi Dhar IND3,445
Matadin IND3,099
Kamla Yadav IND628
Champadevi IND541
Satyawan SUC523
Banwari IND446
Vidhan Sabha election in 1982 WON by INC party with 48% vote share
Winner: Inderjeet Singh
Inderjeet Singh INC28,994
Maha Singh LKD17,912
Yudhbir Singh IND8,263
Satyawan IND2,549
Kamala Devi IND861
Randhir Singh IND658
Dharam Singh IND579
Ajit Singh IND455
Ram Chander IND287
Dhare Singh IND84
Vidhan Sabha election in 1987 WON by LKD party with 54% vote share
Winner: Narbir Singh
Narbir Singh LKD40,592
Inderjeet Singh INC31,367
Rajender IND1,108
Sheotaj Singh IND771
Kamla Devi IND392
Yogender LKD(A)388
Santosh IND247
Pahlad IND180
Mahabir IND167
Sumer IND137
Mahender Singh IND102
Hoshiar Singh IND97
Vidhan Sabha election in 1991 WON by INC party with 49% vote share
Winner: Rao Inderjeet Singh
Rao Inderjeet Singh INC34,606
Jagdish Yadav HVP19,380
Rajinder Singh JP10,356
Anang Pal BJP3,091
Sardar Singh IND2,010
Somdutt IND308
Virender Singh IND256
Dayanand IND235
Ishwar IND232
Ravinder IND165
Raghunath Singh DDP165
Ved Parkash Yadav IND149
Mahabir IND80
Mahabir Singh IND52
Vidhan Sabha election in 1996 WON by HVP party with 41% vote share
Winner: Jagdish Yadav
Vidhan Sabha election in 2000 WON by INC party with 42% vote share
Winner: Inderjit Singh S/O Birender Singh
Vidhan Sabha election in 2005 WON by INC party with 34% vote share
Winner: Yadavendra Singh
Yadavendra Singh INC39,276
Jagdish Yadav INLD37,817
Narbir Singh BJP31,085
Raghu Yadav SP3,824
Balbir Singh BSP1,025
Narender Kumar IND960
Comrade Ishwar Singh IND636
Sunita Devi BRPP536
Udham Singh LD473
Om Parkash IND384