All elections held in this constituency whether its Loksabha and/or Vidhansabha, everything can be found on this page for Kashipur-Belgachhia
Election history
All the elections held in this constituency are all listed below in a timeline fashion order by year. Start exploring by hitting a cirlce in the middle or click on left/ right wings that would display a panel with all details for that election.
Vidhan Sabha election in 2021 WON by AITC party with 56% vote share
Winner: Atin Ghosh
Atin Ghosh AITC76,182
Sibaji Sinha Roy BJP40,792
Pratip Dasgupta CPI(M)14,757
Nota NOTA1,577
Shio Kumar Khatik BSP539
Kush Mahali IND234
Rajesh Kumar Das IND234
Shree Narayan Tandon IND207
Tapas Ghosh IND206
Md Shakil IND144