Loosing Pachekhani
All elections held in this constituency whether its Loksabha and/or Vidhansabha, everything can be found on this page for Loosing Pachekhani
Assembly Election Race in Loosing Pachekhani

Election history
All the elections held in this constituency are all listed below in a timeline fashion order by year. Start exploring by hitting a cirlce in the middle or click on left/ right wings that would display a panel with all details for that election.
Vidhan Sabha election in 1979 WON by SCR party with 44% vote share
Winner: Jagat Bandhu Pradhan
Vidhan Sabha election in 1985 WON by SSP party with 67% vote share
Winner: Bhakia Bhadur Khulal
Bhakia Bhadur Khulal SSP1,787
Ram Chandra Pandyal INC845
Ram Krishna Rai JNP16
Vidhan Sabha election in 1989 WON by SSP party with 52% vote share
Winner: Rupraj Rai
Rupraj Rai SSP1,859
Ram Chandra Poudyal RIS1,566
Bharat Singh Rai INC132
Vidhan Sabha election in 1994 WON by SDF party with 31% vote share
Winner: Dil Bdr. Thapa
Dil Bdr. Thapa SDF1,497
Jai Kr. Bhandari SSP1,485
Ram Chandra Poudyal RSP1,378
Rup Raj Rai INC335
Bhakta Bdr. Khulal IND63
Bharat Singh Rai IND25
Vidhan Sabha election in 1999 WON by SSP party with 48% vote share
Winner: Jai Kr. Bhandari
Jai Kr. Bhandari SSP2,826
Vinod Pradhan SDF2,821
Arun Kr. Rai INC246
Vidhan Sabha election in 2004 WON by SDF party with 72% vote share
Winner: Manita Thapa
Manita Thapa SDF4,394
Bharat Basnett INC1,651
Passang Tamang SHRP81