All elections held in this constituency whether its Loksabha and/or Vidhansabha, everything can be found on this page for Pathing
Assembly Election Race in Pathing

Election history
All the elections held in this constituency are all listed below in a timeline fashion order by year. Start exploring by hitting a cirlce in the middle or click on left/ right wings that would display a panel with all details for that election.
Vidhan Sabha election in 1979 WON by SCR party with 31% vote share
Winner: Ram Lepcha
Ram Lepcha SCR713
Chitim Bhutia SJP525
Sangey Dorjee Bhutia JNP358
Sangay Bhutia SPC203
Jimba Bhutia CPM185
Cholek Dorjee Bhutia IND163
O. T. Lepcha IND85
Rinzing Kazi IND73
Sonpin Lucksom IND21
Vidhan Sabha election in 1985 WON by SSP party with 73% vote share
Winner: Ram Lepcha
Ram Lepcha SSP2,407
Sangay Dorjee Bhutia INC840
Kesang Dorjee Bhutia IND33
Sangay Bhutia SPC30
Vidhan Sabha election in 1989 WON by SSP party with 69% vote share
Winner: Ram Lepcha
Ram Lepcha SSP3,225
Sangey Dorjee INC1,360
Palden Bhutia RIS106
Vidhan Sabha election in 1994 WON by SSP party with 43% vote share
Winner: Ram Lepcha
Ram Lepcha SSP2,625
Sonam Dorjee SDF1,848
Sangey Dorjee Bhutia INC1,030
Pema Namgyal Kazi IND337
Palden Bhutia RSP110
Phurba Tempa Sherpa IND67
Chung Chung Bhutia IND24
Dorjee Tsh. Bhutia IND7
Vidhan Sabha election in 1999 WON by SSP party with 53% vote share
Winner: Sonam Dorjee
Sonam Dorjee SSP3,755
Ram Lepcha SDF2,903
Penzo Delay Namgyal INC477
Vidhan Sabha election in 2004 WON by SDF party with 67% vote share
Winner: Mingma Tshering Sherpa
Mingma Tshering Sherpa SDF4,930
Tseten Tashi Bhutia INC2,275
Karsang Sherpa SHRP108