Manik Sarkar
Political History explained in a timeline fashion. Click on the side panels or click on the circles to expand more information in a given election. Once you view more details, you could also select pie-chart option to view data in a chart.
Election history
All the elections where a candidate by the name Manik Sarkar contested in whether lost or won, by how many votes. His/ her vote share etc details all can be found here.
2018 for Vidhan Sabha from Dhanpur
WON against Pratima Bhoumik
with 55% vote share
2013 for Vidhan Sabha from Dhanpur
WON against Shah Alam
with 57% vote share
Manik Sarkar CPM21,286
Shah Alam INC15,269
Abul Kalam BJP721
2008 for Vidhan Sabha from Dhanpur
WON against Shah Alam
with 53% vote share
2003 for Vidhan Sabha from Dhanpur
WON against Dipak Chakrabarty
with 56% vote share
Manik Sarkar CPM15,613
Dipak Chakrabarty INC11,111
Manoranjan Das IND681
Pratima Bhowmik BJP551
1998 for Vidhan Sabha from Dhanpur
WON against Majibur Islam Majumder
with 54% vote share
Manik Sarkar CPM12,771
Majibur Islam Majumder INC9,668
Pratima Bhowmik BJP1,253
1991 for Lok Sabha from Tripura West
LOST against Santosh Mohan Deo
with 0% vote share
1991 for Lok Sabha from Tripura West
LOST against Santosh Mohan Deo
with 6% vote share
1989 for Lok Sabha from Tripura West
LOST against Santosh Mohan Dev
with 36% vote share
1988 for Vidhan Sabha from Agartala
LOST against Maharani Bidhu Kumari Debi
with 49% vote share
1983 for Vidhan Sabha from Agartala
WON against Promode Ranjandas Gupta
with 52% vote share