Arvind Netam
Political History explained in a timeline fashion. Click on the side panels or click on the circles to expand more information in a given election. Once you view more details, you could also select pie-chart option to view data in a chart.
Election history
All the elections where a candidate by the name Arvind Netam contested in whether lost or won, by how many votes. His/ her vote share etc details all can be found here.
1999 for Lok Sabha from Kanker
LOST against Sohan Potai
with 40% vote share
1998 for Lok Sabha from Janjgir
LOST against Charandas Mahant
with 13% vote share
1998 for Lok Sabha from Kanker
LOST against Sohan Potai
with 7% vote share
Sohan Potai BJP270,121
Mahendra Karma INC215,751
Arvind Netam BSP39,622
Ramnath Sarfe CPI28,536
Anjor Singh Gond CMM20,928
Amalsai Sori GGP5,590
Avinash Thakur JD5,006
Dauwa Ram BKKGP2,014
1996 for Lok Sabha from Kanker
WON against Sohan Potai
with 40% vote share
1989 for Lok Sabha from Kanker
WON against Lambodar Baliyar
with 44% vote share
Arvind Netam INC189,631
Lambodar Baliyar JD143,815
Janak Lal Thakur IND59,053
Deolal Dugga BJP28,018
Nathuram Mala BSP7,546
1984 for Lok Sabha from Kanker
WON against Aghan Singh Thakur
with 68% vote share
Arvind Netam INC225,545
Aghan Singh Thakur BJP89,358
Bhanu Som JNP15,103
1980 for Lok Sabha from Kanker
WON against Aghansingh Bhaosingh
with 59% vote share